Divina Online How to Find Location Guide

Friday, July 20, 2012

Find and reach the target location is very easy in Divina. Usually, there are 2 common cases. First case, you are looking for monster or NPC to finish your quest or look for a quest. Second case, you are trying to look for storage, item appraisal, merchant, and others NPC, but you really have no idea at all. Here is step by step guide for both cases.

[First Case]

Open your map menu, find the mark on the map and click around it to reach the destination.
 divina online monster location guidea

After receiving a quest, open your Quest Journal. Click on your current quest to read the description about the quest. In there, you will see a highlited blue text for NPC and highlited red text for monster. Just click once on the highlited text and your characted will move on to the destination where it is located.

[Second Case]
Occasionaly happens when you are new in town. First, open your map menu. On the left side of the menu you will see Target List that shown you NPC and workstation in the area. Read the NPC description, you can find merchant, grocery store, storage, skill learning center, and many more. As for workstation, it is connected with the one of the Divina Online feature "Crafting" #learn later
divina online map guide


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